June 5, 2023

How to Pin (terest): How to get more out of your Pinterest marketing

Let's start with a fact: If you don't just want to convince your target group of a short-term purchase, but also retain them in the long term, you have to: inspire. It is even more effective to motivate the target group to do something, to get them to do it. And no social channel stands for exactly this unique combination of inspiration and implementation as much as Pinterest.

When it comes to weddings, birthdays, DIY or food inspiration, Pinterest, with over 450 million active users worldwide, should be part of every marketing plan.

Fact #2: For us at Kitchen Stories, Pinterest has grown to be the largest, traffic-driving social media channel.

  • In the first half of 2023, our pins generated more than 1,500,000 clicks.
  • In 2022, we were able to do more than 130,000,000 impressions Record on our pins.

Even in our Partner campaigns, such as for Nutella, Golden Toast or Lillet, The platform is now an integral part. We work closely with the Pinterest team and are able to test new products frequently even before they officially go on sale. We have summarized our strongest learnings for you here.

The Kitchen Stories top 5 for your optimized Pinterest marketing:

#1: Visuality is a top priority

Pinterest is a visual platform. Great, stimulating, high-quality photos and videos are essential for successful Pins. The finishing touch: a clear, repetitive design. On Pinterest, too, recognition is essential for standing out from the crowd.

Good lighting, a successful image section, high-quality high-resolution components, as well as stylized effects or text elements help to stand out from other pins. Don't forget that most users use the mobile app, so the content should be created in portrait format.

Great, stimulating, high-quality photos and videos are essential for successful Pins.

#2: After the season is before the season

You could just read it in the Pinterest Business newsletter: The community is showing an increasing search for Christmas content. And that in June. This search behavior shows that the season is not about when topics actually take place, but when the target group starts planning and looking for inspiration.

At Kitchen Stories, we tailor our content plan based on when our users would like to see Christmas content and not just when Christmas actually takes place.

#3: Optimizing keywords

What is my target group really looking for? Far too often, we still think from the inside out: What do we have and how can we bring it to the world? Meanwhile, the opposite is what makes your Pins successful: What is my target group looking for and how can I adapt my content - and therefore also the keywords - accordingly?

Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your Pins' titles, descriptions, and tags. This helps make your content visible to searches and increase reach. Additionally, make sure that your Pins are well-organized and saved on relevant boards. Use descriptive titles and detailed descriptions to further improve discoverability in Pinterest search.

#4: Leaving the Comfort Zone feat. relevancy

Of course, as just described, it is important to optimize your content for what the target group is actually looking for. The content must be relevant. But he can do even more: He can motivate the community to leave their comfort zone. For example, we mainly have recipes, because that's what people are looking for the most. But here and there we take our pinners by the hand and show them something new: Look, how would it be if you would not just cook a recipe for yourself, but for a large group?

Time and again, we add highly relevant topics to our content that our users may not even know could be exciting for them. This is how we stay interesting and help our users to surpass themselves.

#5: Pinterest can also be used for yourself away from the platform (let it be)

Another success factor of our pins is that we not only pin ourselves, but also have our community pinned “for us.” As an example, some of our most successful pins were not created by our team at all, but by pinners who use the Pinterest feature (an integrable tool) on our Kitchen Stories website. This can increase traffic to your Pinterest page and make new users aware of your brand. In addition, it increases engagement and in turn provides insight into the search behavior of your users.

Pinterest has become an essential marketing tool for us. From visual inspiration to targeted advertising, the platform offers us a variety of opportunities to connect with potential customers and users and implement a successful marketing strategy. Even as part of the campaigns that we produce for our partners.

The red cabbage steak recipe was pinned by a user - and is one of our most popular posts.

Nowadays, visual content and direct engagement of the target group play a decisive role. By following our tips, you can use the full potential of Pinterest as a marketing tool and effectively target your target audience, generate traffic, and increase brand awareness.

Kitchen Stories for Advertisers: Native Advertisement in a Premium Environment

Of course, we at Kitchen Stories will be happy to advise you on your next marketing campaign and develop the right concept individually for your brand in order to reach your target group effectively. In our community of millions, on our app and website and, of course, on Pinterest.

Here is an overview of our most successful (partner) pins:

A successful example of a successful partner pin: Golden Toast from Lieken.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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