December 8, 2022

For a snack and 5 questions with... Rosa Parschke

Why can't you get past the Food Alliance in 2023? And why is “native” and “collaboration” becoming more and more important for brands? The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in our snack interview, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

  • This time, answer Rosa Parschke from Kitchen Stories
  • As Strategic Operations Lead is she responsible for all topics related to monetization at Kitchen Stories.
  • Her favorite snack is Italian, by the way.

Together with independent food publishers, we founded the Food Alliance - with more than 7 million unique users per month, Germany's largest and most attractive native advertising network in the food sector. Why should advertisers absolutely integrate Food Alliance 2023 into their marketing plan?

In 2023, all marketers who are looking for brand-safe environments, a top target group - independent of 3rd party cookies - and high advertising effectiveness will not be able to ignore the Food Alliance. We offer:

The most attractive food community: With premium food blogs - such as Baking Makes Happy or Simply Malene - we work with the largest and most popular blogs in the DACH market and offer a high-quality environment for advertisers who want to reach a food-savvy and lifestyle-oriented target group.

Native storytelling and sales push: Within the Food Alliance, we specialize in native, content-based campaigns that ensure a high level of engagement in the respective communities. With sales partners such as getir, the advertised products can also be ordered directly from the point of sale and campaign success can be measured.

Everything from a single source: Our motto is as individual as necessary and as scalable as possible. We produce a native content piece and play it out to all participating Food Publishers of the Food Alliance. In this way, we offer customers and agencies simplified workflows and reporting with comparable KPIs.

What specific services can brands in the lifestyle and FMCG sectors benefit from?

We are so certain of the advertising effectiveness of our premium food publishers that we guarantee content views and thus ensure that the content we produce for our customers has also been viewed, liked or shared by the respective communities.

Rosa's favorite snack is Italian, by the way.

Even with your previous positions at Media Impact and Axel Springer, you yourself have more than 10 years of experience in the publishing sector and have a strong focus on digital, native marketing solutions. You can say: You've already seen some trends come and go. Why will “native” and “collaboration” be particularly relevant for brands in 2023?

With an increasing focus on data protection and the associated restrictions in display marketing, content marketing is becoming increasingly important in premium environments. With the Food Alliance, we are combining the power of precisely these premium environments, which alone would not be effective enough for large customers, but in our Food Alliance contribute significantly to campaign success.

At Kitchen Stories, you're known for your curious and proactive way of tackling and trying things out. A characteristic that can really get a team carried away. What motivates you personally?

Trying out new things, testing them and also learning from mistakes. When we started Food Alliance, there was always the caveat from other premium publishers that they did not want any “third-party content” on their blog. We have taken this feedback to heart, slightly adapt the created content to the respective blog and thus ensure even more native campaigns and this is also reflected in campaign engagement.

What is the best cooking advice you've ever received?

The simpler the better: pay attention to the high quality and regionality of the products — this is how even a simple vegetable lasagna can be a taste highlight.

Thank you Rosa for the interview.

Would you like to find out more?

Then feel free to contact Rosa Parschke, Strategic Operations Lead, via email to

And here you go directly to Food Alliance landing page.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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