July 11, 2024

For a snack and 5 questions with Cherif Rouissi (from FRAMEN GmbH)

The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in our snack interview, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

● This time Cherif Rouissi answers
● Vice President Sales for FRAMEN GmbH
● By the way, his favorite snack is the traditional Bavarian one with Obatzda and red
Add onions and a few pretzels

1. You started your DOOH journey with Goldbach and are now responsible for
FRAME sales in the DACH region. From your point of view, how did the DOOH
Has the market developed in the DACH region in recent years? Which
Do you see growth potential for this sector in the near future?

The DOOH market in the DACH region has undergone an impressive transformation.
Digitalization has made the biggest leap forward, but so are brands
who have recognized the potential of the medium and shine with creative campaigns. It is
inspiring to see how diverse and innovative the advertising market has become. The biggest
I see growth potential on the programmatic side, where processes are becoming more and more
merge and campaigns can be booked and measured consistently. Play here
Topics such as AI and digital innovations play a decisive role. Even in the area of
Performance measurement and KPIs, I expect standardized values that cover the entire ecosystem
will strengthen.
2. Everyone is talking about retail media right now. Can you the current state of retail
Describe media in the DACH region and how it has developed in recent years
Retail media has experienced a real boom in recent years. What first
started slowly, has now become a dynamic and sought-after area
developed. In the area of in-store retail media in particular, it is clear how strong the network is
has grown and how much this form of advertising is appreciated by brands. Both the
Brands as well as shop owners have recognized that this type of advertising is very effective
can be.

3. How do you measure the success of retail media campaigns? Can you KPIs and a
Give an example of a campaign in which you were able to measure a big success?
We use the cash register data from our Edeka stores to clearly determine the success of our campaigns
substantiate. One impressive example is a campaign with a major pizza manufacturer
In which we achieved an uplift of 62 percent. That surprised us ourselves. In
The average uplift is around 42 percent, which is also impressive.
4. What options does FRAMEN's retail media solutions offer for specific
Targeting target groups in a targeted manner? How do you use data and insights to personalize
Create advertising messages and increase relevance?
Thanks to data from our partners, we know exactly which target groups are in the
Stop businesses. Our wide network enables us to choose between various
Distinguishing between market types and geographical target groups. Our advertising spaces are
strategically distributed in the market — from the entrance area to the fruit and vegetable department
to the liquor rack. We share this information with our customers who have their
Be able to tailor messages to this. The targeting features are in our platform
integrated and can be used when creating campaigns.

5. Summer is finally here! What does the perfect summer vacation look like for you?
The perfect summer vacation? Clearly, with my wife and kids on the beach in Tunisia
or in the mountains in Bavaria!

Lisa Rose
Head of Sales & Strategic Partnerships

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