January 11, 2023

For a snack and 5 questions with... Benjamin Becker from OMG

What will move the marketing industry in 2023? And what are the new, exciting advertising environments for the coming year? The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in our snack interview, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

  • This time Benjamin Becker from Omnicom Media Group Germany answers.
  • As Managing Partner Business Development, he is responsible for the entire Group's new business, corporate communications and marketing, and identifying & driving new business areas.
  • By the way, his favorite snack is dinner with the family. “It doesn't really matter what's on the table. If it is supposed to be a particular favorite snack, then it is the Bavarian snack

“There are also new opportunities and opportunities in unexpected times” is the introduction to your OMG podcast “Let's Make Lemonade,” in which you regularly discuss new marketing trends or current social issues with guests from the marketing industry. Give us an insight: What will move us and our industry, marketers and agencies alike, in 2023?

Looking at 2023, it is rather difficult for me to differentiate between industries or professional fields. The war in Ukraine will continue to concern us all in 2023. Die political and related economic uncertainty are leading to a continued negative consumer climate in Germany. Incoming orders in industry also currently give little hope of a rapid upturn. But: Omnicom Media Group Germany and I personally are looking forward to 2023 and the future with optimism. Energy prices have not risen as significantly as feared and economic research institutes are publishing slight growth forecasts. Well, plenty of opportunities.

Another “lemon” is the frighteningly fast progressive climate change. The fragility of our world is becoming increasingly apparent and the pressure from consumers on companies to actively combat global warming and the exploitation of nature. Transparency, genuine environmental protection and a clear stance will determine acceptance and rejection here. The Supply Chain Act will make a positive contribution here.

Last but not least, I see people's great desire to go out again after Covid. Human contacts, travel, freedom, self-determination and closeness employ consumers. Brands should aim for this in their messages. Relevant stories of brands that fit people's needs can be used to create positive impulses.

In addition to the specific customer challenges in day-to-day business, agencies are also driving efforts in 2023 to: Technology leadership, innovation, and the best talent to ensure an efficient, scalable, but at the same time tailored service offering.

We have just founded the Food Alliance with other publishers, because we are convinced that content marketing is becoming increasingly important in brand-safe premium environments. At OMG, you too are constantly looking for new, exciting environments. What is particularly important to you, what do you value?

You speak from the heart of my heart. Omnicom Media Group Germany's position on media diversity is clear. We demand and promote a high-quality, neutral and transparent media landscape in Germany. Brands should be able to use secure environments to reach their target group efficiently and effectively. We analyse very precisely which channels the respective segments can be used and addressed — and on which not. Content marketing and innovative methods are, of course, part of this. Not as an end in itself, but when a suitable and relevant story can be told that is interesting for the consumer and conveys the brand's message.

With our specialist agencies OMG FUSE, with a focus on pop cultural relevance marketing, and OMD Create, with a focus on “impactful stories,” we are very specifically dedicated to individual, brand and exciting brand presentation.

Personally, I see the opportunities in sports marketing as very attractive for brands. Sport offers an emotional & attractive environment, reaches various (even top) target groups and can be activated in a variety of ways.

“If it's supposed to be a particular favorite snack, then it's the Bavarian snack

You yourself say that you are a communication, networking and transformation enthusiast, and are also involved in the marketing community. Would you agree that cooperation and dialogue are more successful than fierce competition? Even in the advertising landscape?

I would agree 100% here. The “advertising landscape” consists of many disciplines. The winner is the offer that best integrates these disciplines and can combine them into an overall offering. This includes both internal competencies and cooperation with external partners. Our customers have long since stopped choosing their service providers based on size and reputation. The partner who can provide advertisers with tailor-made support in transforming and overcoming the challenges prevails. Scalable, this only works agnostically and with the best possible collaboration.

A personal question: Where does all your “extreme curiosity” about things you don't know yet come from? What drives you every day?

I work in an environment that is noticeably evolving every day. Disruption everywhere. In consumer behavior, in the fragmentation of the media landscape and in technological developments. In my conversations with customers and potential new customers, I find that there are many questions at this rate. I would like to be seen as a competent partner here. This only works if I actively engage with the innovations. By the way, I also experience this urge among all our employees at Omnicom Media Group Germany. Everyone wants to stay up to date. We are constantly adding new skills, particularly in the digital sector, and are growing rapidly. Every standstill immediately feels like 3 steps back. And going backwards doesn't feel good. That really motivates me to keep up to date on a daily basis.

The same applies to my private life, by the way. When I see the speed at which my sons learn new things, I am quickly left behind if I don't keep up with the ball. I noticed this recently while skiing.

Last but not least: Where in the world can you get the very best food? And what is it?

Wow, that's an interesting question. A question I've been thinking about for a long time. “The very best food in the world”... it brings me a lot of memories. In my life so far, I've been able to eat many traditional, unusual, exotic, homemade and really delicious dishes. Most recently, it was the outstanding Kaiserschmarrn in Gampe Thaya (Austria).

On the culinary journey of my life, in addition to many taste highlights, I came across one insight in particular. I am infinitely grateful to be one of the few privileged people on this earth who can think about this question. With so much poverty, hunger and injustice in the world, a status that cannot be taken for granted.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the invitation to a joint snack. What you have achieved in such a short time with Kitchen Stories is impressive. Good luck on your journey — including exciting joint cases with Omnicom Media Group customers.

Thank you so much for the interview.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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