November 9, 2022

For a snack and 5 questions with... Ben Hulme from Getir

What does “freshness” mean in a market where everything revolves around speed? And why is it so important to integrate seamlessly into consumers' lives? The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in our snack interview, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

  • This time, answer Ben Hulme from express delivery service Getir.
  • As Head of Buying & Commercial He is responsible for setting up and managing Getir's purchasing and trade departments in Germany.
  • By the way, his favorite snack is the Italian snack.

Sometimes simple things are best: Kitchen Stories delivers the recipes, Getir delivers the groceries home in just a few minutes with just one click. Together, we make people's lives easier. What is behind the approach of seamlessly integrating into consumers' daily routines?

As a pioneer in ultra-fast food delivery, it is our goal to supply our customers with fresh food and everyday products within minutes. In addition to the products, our customers get one thing in particular: We give them the gift of time. They can now spend time that they would otherwise have spent every day in supermarkets doing things that are really important to them: e.g. with their favorite hobby or cooking with good friends and family.

Food retailers are currently having a hard time, not to mention fast delivery services. As a pioneer in quick commerce, you too are currently surrounded by a lot of negativity. What still fascinates you about your work? Can you give us some positive insights into your world and the developments of tomorrow?

Starting at Getir as Head of Buying & Commercial was a conscious decision. I am convinced that Q-Commerce is the future. To quote our managing director again: In a few years, it will no longer be called Q-Commerce, but only Commerce. Because then it will be completely normal to have groceries delivered to your home.

I am also happy to give you an insight into the shopping world at Getir: Trending topics such as organic, local and vegan products are currently particularly on our radar. There are already local collaborations and a lot in the product range, but we will significantly expand this. In addition, there is an increasing demand for fresh produce. “Freshness is the future” is therefore one of the guiding principles of our purchasing, in addition to classic products. We are also currently experimenting with deliveries to specific outdoor locations, such as parks. Very exciting too!

Ben's favorite snack is the Italian snack, by the way

In an interview with the LZ, you say “We believe in freshness, freshness is the future.” This is an approach that we at Kitchen Stories too, because cooking fresh food brings so much added value to consumers' lives, from health aspects to cooking together. Why is “freshness” a relevant topic in Quick Commerce — isn't everything about speed?

There is an increasing demand for fresh produce. The customers who trust us for fresh products also trust us for all other products and have the largest shopping baskets. That is why we are constantly expanding our product portfolio in this and other areas.

Ben, if you look at your previous positions, you can see: In your head and heart, you are a buyer. In your opinion, who or which company is doing everything right and is your star “buying heaven”?

It is no secret that I learned my craft primarily in traditional food retailers and especially from discounters. Hard negotiation, the search for the best quality at the best price and the openness to constantly adapt to the needs of customers are things that every buyer should always heed. At Getir, we also act according to this maxim.

But what I particularly like about the Q-Commerce industry is the speed and agility with which we can drive purchasing forward. We work much more data-driven and therefore know what our customers like best and when and can quickly adapt our product selection accordingly, test products better and meet customer requirements even better. Perhaps this ability will make us the future star in the “buying sky,” but certainly only if we master the basic rule that I learned at the very beginning of my career: the buyer's job is never finished.

What is the best place in the world to eat... and who is with you?

I'm a big fan of Italy. The country and people are simply wonderful, I love to be there again and again, preferably in Tuscany. The great Italian food also plays a role in my preference for Italy, of course. Sharing old stories with friends about an antipasti platter and fresh focaccia, plus a glass of wine and I'm happy. One or two cannoli is, of course, always a successful end.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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