June 29, 2021

For a snack and 5 questions with... Ania Pilch

What are the most important needs of our partners? And which ingredient do you think is completely overrated? The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in the Stories+ Snack, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

  • This time, answer Ania Pilch.
  • As Team Lead Partner Operations is she responsible for implementing our partner campaigns and at the same time paving the way for new, innovative and exciting partner projects with her team of partnership editors and project managers.
  • By the way, your favorite snack is Smørrebrød.

In your opinion, what are the most important needs of our partners — and how can we meet them?

It is important to our partners to connect with our multi-million strong and diverse user base. They appreciate the uniqueness, because our users not only read and cook our articles and recipes, but are also actively involved themselves on our platforms and, for the most part, also create their own recipes, which they publish with us. This is a particular added value for us as well as for our partners. Reaching out to and inspiring these users is something that we take to heart every day as Kitchen Stories and master together with our partners.

Many of our partners want the Increase brand awareness or strengthen the brand image. With our Brand Stories and Sponsored Recipes, we combine the strengths of Kitchen Stories: We tell authentic stories about our partners' brands and products, which we enrich with outstanding content — and in doing so involve our community.

Our partners particularly appreciate the various expertise that Kitchen Stories has to offer. With our excellently trained chefs, our digital marketing team and our interdisciplinary creative department, we are perfectly positioned to solve a wide range of problems and can offer our partners state-of-the-art expertise.

With all the organization and cooperation, which of your skills help you keep track of the sometimes creative chaos?

That shouldn't sound like a phrase, but you should never lose the fun of it, because it also loses a lot of drive and motivation. But it's not that difficult for me because of our team, the various projects and therefore the variety. I think that within the scope of my area of responsibility, it is important to think in a solution-oriented way and sometimes actually act in small steps so that you are not overwhelmed by the big picture during the many projects.

By the way, your favorite snack is Smørrebrød.

What is the best piece of advice you've ever received? Professionally as well as personally?

I'm sure there are a few who have helped me and that I've heard over the years. But two specific examples come straight to mind: My mother realized very early on that I could keep a cool head and that I love organizing everything around me. She quickly recognized this as one of my strengths and has definitely had a big impact on my professional career.

Personally, it was probably the saying “the brave (the brave) kisses life.” I often have this sentence in the back of my mind when it comes to taking on new tasks and projects or making decisions. I don't want to say that I've been kissed by life, but it has definitely made me realize how important new impulses and challenges are to me and I try to incorporate this knowledge into my daily decisions.

And what brilliant idea would you have liked to have had yourself?

I first think of many brilliant ideas in the sharing economy, such as Airbnb, WeShare or Workaway. These are all business ideas that are so simple and logically lead to success - but of course you are only aware of this after someone else has shown the example.

I also like ideas with a sustainable idea, such as initiatives to connect with neighbors to share leftover food or apps like TooGoodToGo. These are ideas that I personally stand behind and that I would have liked to have had myself.

Speaking of imitating what others have already done before you: I continue to stick to my big dream of recording a Christmas song that runs up and down every year and showers me with royalties. Maybe someday together with the Kitchen Stories team.

Which ingredient do you think is completely overrated?

I'm sure I'm going to kick a few cups of fat here or cause a big shake of my head and maybe I should have voted first, but I have to be very clear my answer is: ketchup. Unfortunately for me, the red sauce usually doesn't go well with anything on the plate and is really only used by me when there are absolutely no alternatives when grilling or at the French fry stand - there is so much potential in dips and sauces.

Thank you so much for the interview.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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