February 6, 2023

For a snack and 5 questions with... Aissu Pentzien from DDB Germany

What does the perfect campaign look like? And which “customer sentence” did you have to listen to over and over again during your career? The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in our snack interview, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

  • This time, answer Aissu Pentzien from DDB Germany.
  • As Executive Director Digital is she responsible for implementing genuine integrated campaigns, in which communication for digital channels is not only seen as an extension of TV and OOH, but is also interpreted in accordance with the channel and target group.
  • By the way, your favorite snack is definitely the Italian snack.

While marketers have to fight for every cent for their budgets and general purchasing power is falling, the demands of target groups are increasing at the same time. It's not that easy to reconcile everything. What does the perfect campaign look like in these times?

A campaign is always successful when it is relevant, but that is of course a flexible term. In my opinion, two factors in particular are important today:

  • Pop cultural relevance: Trending content, such as memes or sounds, is a good way, especially in social media communication, to address target groups in their language and at the same time exploit the potential of organic reach. However, this type of communication must be well-done and authentic. Otherwise it'll be embarrassing.
  • Societal relevance: There are always big Issues that concern us as a society, whether long or short term. Social inequities, discrimination or even the increasing number of mental illnesses, as well as the long-awaited end of the corona pandemic or major sporting events. Campaigns that sensibly place these topics in the context of the brand are often very strong. If the interpretation on the respective channels and the associated activations are correct, nothing stands in the way of a relevant campaign.

“Advertising” is not easy: too much, too loud, too expensive, not relevant enough. Yet there are always campaigns that inspire experts and consumers alike. What is the appeal of advertising for you?

I love advertising because it can do so many things. Create emotions and add value, for example. But also mobilize people and shape reality, which is my personal motivation... I am firmly convinced that we as an industry can contribute to a better world through and with our communication and that we also have the responsibility to do just that.

By the way, the favorite snack is definitely the Italian snack

Which sentence from the customer side did you have to listen to again and again over the course of your professional career? Disable him for us!

“Social media is not the right marketing channel for us.” Social media marketing is infinitely diverse. There are a wide variety of networks, there is a target group for every topic, there are countless ways to interpret campaign ideas creatively and in a channel-appropriate way, and everything from awareness to conversion to loyalty can be mapped. That is why I am reluctant to accept this sentence. What is true, of course, is that not every channel is suitable for every brand and that the clever interpretation is not always obvious. But in return, there are people like me who are very happy to help with the right communication strategy.:)

About yourself, you say that you absolutely want to make the world a better place and take on another important responsibility within the agency as a Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Officer. What would you change if you had the power to do so?

Anyone who belongs to a discriminated minority knows the unpleasant feeling of not belonging properly and, in many cases, unfortunately, of being consciously or unconsciously taught that they are inferior. It breaks my heart on a regular basis. If I could, I would like to take this feeling away from all discriminated people. That is not within my power, but at least I can create more representation through my job.

Which magical place has the best food in the world?

In Miceli on Mallorca. There is no fixed menu there, but a menu made from the ingredients that the market has to offer in the morning. You sit on a small terrace with a view of the mountains, the service is outstanding and the food is always a surprise.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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