April 5, 2023

Auf eine Brotzeit und 5 Fragen über … Marketing & Growth mit Guy von Kitchen Stories

Welche Marketing-Buzzwords haben ihre Daseins-Berechtigung? Und welchen Ratschlag würdest du allen Marketers im Jahr 2023 an die Hand geben? Die Antworten auf diese Fragen (und viele mehr) gibt es einmal im Monat in unserem Brotzeit-Interview, dem Business-Fragebogen von Kitchen Stories.

  • Dieses Mal antwortet Guy Fitzpatrick von Kitchen Stories.
  • Als Director of Marketing and Growth ist er verantwortlich für den Aufbau der Marke und das User-Wachstum.
  • Seine Lieblings-Brotzeit ist übrigens die Mezze-Platte.

Was ist der beste Ratschlag, den du Marketers im Jahr 2023 an die Hand geben würdest?

Double down on what works, test your messaging, and fix any leaky buckets in the customer journey. With advertising budgets cut across most of the industry, it’s essential to focus on channels that provide the best ROI and optimize conversion rates at key points in the customer journey so as to capture the most value.

Wenn wir über aktuelle Marketingtrends sprechen, passiert es schnell, ins Klischee zu verfallen. Welche Buzzwords haben deiner Meinung nach dennoch ihre Berechtigung – und warum?

  • Customer centricity: clearly defining who your target users are, what they care about, and how you help them solve their problems is a constant principle of impactful marketing.
  • Marketing vs Growth: these two terms have been used interchangeably in recent years, however, I believe it’s important to differentiate as they focus on two key areas. The role of marketing is to develop the brand, build awareness and focus on storytelling that resonates with users. Whilst the role of growth is to consider the full funnel user experience by collaborating across teams (i.e. Product, UX, Creative, etc…) and constantly experimenting with impactful improvements to the user journey.

Guys Lieblings-Brotzeit ist "definitiv" die Mezze-Platte

In deinem LinkedIn-Profil sieht man das Zitat „The best way to complain is to make things better” von Seth Godin … ein positiver Ansatz, um Dinge immer wieder zu hinterfragen. Gibt es Plattformen oder Podcasts, die dir dabei helfen und dich motivieren, diesen Weg weiterhin zu verfolgen?

It’s important to regularly challenge how things are done and to approach challenges from different angles. Here are three resources that I follow to learn and generate new marketing ideas:

  • Seth’s Blog: daily marketing blog by thought leader and author Seth Godin. 
  • Lenny’s Podcast: regular interviews with world-class product leaders and growth experts.
  • Marketing Examples: examples from successful campaigns around the world.  

Du hast bereits zweimal an der Deutschen AeroPress-Meisterschaft teilgenommen. Welche Eigenschaften helfen dir, exzellenten Kaffee zu machen – und gleichzeitig deine beruflichen Ziele zu erreichen?

Patience, experimentation and understanding of the different levers at your disposal are key to great coffee (and achieving your goals!).

As each bag of coffee is different, you need to adapt your recipe slightly to get the best out of the coffee, particularly when competing at the AeroPress Championships. It comes down to finding the right balance between the water temperature, grind size, brewing time, and extraction time.

Knowing your levers helps you adapt and make great-tasting coffee.

Wer hat dir den besten Kochtipp aller Zeiten gegeben? Und für welches Gericht verwendest du ihn am häufigsten?

Probably from my Mum:

Always use an oven glove when baking something in the oven”.

Particularly useful whenever I make pizza or lasagne. I’ve picked up a few scars over the years when I didn’t follow this tip.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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