May 4, 2022

For a snack and 5 questions with... *OMR Edition*

Which digital marketing topics will determine OMR this year? And what can visitors and partners expect from Kitchen Stories? The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in the Stories+ Snack, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

In the first snack double interview, Kitchen Stories CEO Mengting Gao and COO Alexander Bauer answer.

After a 2-year break, OMR will once again take place live in Hamburg. In no less than three speaker slots, we talk about current topics that concern us as an online publisher and digital food platform. What can visitors to OMR expect from us?

Retaining users with food content: The platform landscape and traffic channels are constantly changing. From Google and Facebook to Instagram and TikTok, from banners to app install ads: Marketers must constantly check how they can retain users. In her presentation, our founder and CEO Mengting Gao talks about which food trends currently fascinate users and how Kitchen Stories manages to bring users back to the app again and again.

(Tuesday, 3:55 p.m., Red Stage)

Taste the Future Live Cooking: Welcome to the future! But what does food look like there and what does it actually taste like? Which products await us? Kitchen Stories is testing it live and facing the harsh verdict of the food nerds from Imbiss 3000 Podcast, Per Meurling and Andong.

(Tuesday, 8:20 p.m., Blue Stage)

Digital Culinary World: Together with futurologist Jule Bosch, our COO Alexander Bauer discusses what our digital cooking journey will look like, how zero waste can become the standard with the help of data, and how intelligent, connected kitchen appliances will help us achieve more sustainable cuisine.

(Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., Vodafone Elevation DIGITAL DAYS livestream)

What — or who — are you most looking forward to apart from our own KS presence?

Alex: Quite spontaneous: Scott Galloway. There are probably a few who are so visionary and forward-looking in an environment that is relevant to us. Scott has often predicted the future development of major marketing and e-commerce giants and I am sure that he will once again bring extremely exciting insights this year. Quite apart from that, I'm of course a huge Quentin Tarantino fan!

Which other digital marketing topics will dominate OMR this year?

Alex: It's simple: how publishers and influencers must constantly reinvent themselves. While it was relatively easy to generate relevant sales a few years ago through good advertising and product placement, it is now necessary to intelligently differentiate yourself as an individual influencer and generate relevance and sales through clever collaborations, your own brands and a much more direct connection to the user.

There must (also) be a bit of fun: In addition to knowledge transfer and company presence, how important is the networking and concert part for you?

Mengting: Getting in touch with other exciting personalities from a wide range of industries is definitely a core aspect of the event. We are really looking forward to finally meeting many customers, colleagues and friends in person again and, of course, to toast together at the party and concert.

What can our Kitchen Stories business fans look forward to in the next OMR year? Will Kitchen Stories have its own food hall?

Mengting: Let yourself be surprised! In any case, we are planning to be there again. Of course, we will also depend on the success of our appearances this year, whether on the Red, Blue or Food Stage. So feel free to drop by and get to know us!

Editor's note: Having your own food hall would of course be amazing.

Thank you so much for the interview.

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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