January 13, 2021

For a snack and 5 questions with... Alexander Bauer

Native or programmatic? And which dish do you simply not dare to try? The answers to these questions (and many more) are now available once a month in the Stories+ Snack, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire. Alexander Bauer*, who has been managing director and chief operating officer of our cooking platform since the beginning of 2021, will answer the premiere. By the way, his favorite snack is Bavarian.

What are the three qualities and experiences that connect you and the start-up Kitchen Stories?

  • Authentic: At Kitchen Stories, we try to be authentic in what we do and stand 100% behind our stories. In the same way, it is sometimes difficult for me to mince words. But then you can rely on what I say.
  • Creative: Trying out new things is our passion, that of our entire team. And I myself am always trying to find new ways and question what already exists. It's also one of our passions at Kitchen Stories, by the way.
  • Cook! I love spending many hours in the kitchen at home preparing new dishes. And of course, Kitchen Stories is at least as food crazy as I am.

With regard to your previous positions at Ströer Digital and Axel Springer, where do you see the strengths of Kitchen Stories as a business partner for brands and companies?

On almost no other platform do people consciously spend as much time at a time as they do with us. As a result, we are also able to communicate more complex brand and product messages to our users. Cooking is also 100% positive and emotional. As a result, our partners can be sure that they will be presented in a good environment. In fact, we guarantee that. And I can only repeat myself: creativity and passion. We impress with great (brand) stories that inspire our users of their own accord.

Which B2B products and opportunities would you like to tackle or develop new ones this year?

I want to help make our products even more data-driven. We have so much usage information on our platform and would love to provide more of it to make our partners' campaigns even more successful. We also want to develop even more performance-based solutions.

Native vs. programmatic?

Definitely both. Native to initially inspire users and convey brand-specific stories. Programmatic to ensure that contacts are then made with the relevant users in the necessary volume.

Which dish have you always wanted to prepare, but haven't dared to do it yet?

So far I've tried everything I've set my mind to at least once. And if it doesn't work out, I know again why there are so many great restaurants out there.

*Kitchen Stories co-founder Verena Hubertz (pictured right) left the startup at the end of 2020 and handed over to digital expert Alexander Bauer, who started as Chief Operating Officer at Kitchen Stories since 01.09.2020. You can find more information about this over here

Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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