November 21, 2022

For a snack and 3 questions with... Jamie Oliver

What is the secret behind your global success? And how important is it really that people learn to cook? The answers to these questions (and many more) are available once a month in our snack interview, the Kitchen Stories business questionnaire.

  • This time, the British celebrity chef answers Jamie Oliver.
  • As part of his two-day tour of Germany for his new cookbook “ONE”, British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver visited the offices of Kitchen Stories.
  • The joint mission: to help even more people to be able to cook confidently, easily and with joy every day.

#1 People love cooking with you or following you because you are so approachable, authentic and always you. In a world full of talented food influencers... what's the secret to succeeding in the long run?

If I think back to the days of TheNaked Chef, I was just a keen, excited young lad who loved cooking and was happy to be able to share that. I honestly had no idea what it was going to be like, so when it all kicked off it was really quite overwhelming. Who'd have thought within a few months of the show going out I'd be asked to cook at No 10 for the Prime Minister? Or that I'd hear Zoe Ball on the radio saying that she'd cooked with Fatboy Slim my seared tuna for dinner? It was mad. As for a secret, I'd say it's important to surround yourself with the best people, to go with your gut instinct, and don't be afraid to take risks — I haven't always got it right and I'm the first to admit that, but I've learned a lot along the way.

Jamie Oliver and the Berlin cooking platform Kitchen Stories bring the British celebrity chef's recipes straight to the Kitchen Stories app.

#2 Surely that's one of the many reasons you have such a huge fan base here with us: You want to make everyone's lives easier. Just like we do at Kitchen Stories. How important is it for people to learn how to cook?

Knowing how to cook is one of the most important things you can learn in life. I believe it's up there with reading and writing and that every child should be taught cooking skills from Ayoung age. If you know what food is, where it comes from, how to cook it and how it affects your body, then that sets you up with the best chance of a healthy life on the food front.

#3 Simple One-Pan Wonders... We in Germany are somewhat behind on the idea of One Pot, following the motto “the more pans, the better.” We're starting to warm up to “One Pot Pasta,” at least. Why do you think ONE Is anything but a one-hit wonder?

Because it's all about making your life simpler. ONE Is perfect for those days when you need convenient solutions to getting good food on the table, fast. Think minimal ingredients but big flavor, and — of course — less washing up! Who doesn't love that? For a lot of us, I think returning to the daily chaos of life and work routines after being stuck at home for so long was a big shock. Getting into the groove of cooking around a busy schedule can take a bit of adjustment. That's where I hope ONE comes in — I want it to help you fill your weekly plan with big-hitting dishes, with no stress, whatever day of the week it is. It's also convenient as you don't need a lot of equipment to create great food. Ultimately, I hope ONE Makes your life easier and more delicious.

Thank you so much for this interview, Jamie.

Click here for the official press release.

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Luise Linne
Corporate Communications

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