August 22, 2023

4 events your target audience could celebrate in December

In addition to Christmas, are there other events to celebrate in December?

Yes, although it often seems that way between Christmas trees, advent calendars, cookie baking and Christmas songs, Christmas is in fact far from the only occasion that your target group could celebrate in December.

Numerous other festivities are often lost in the hustle and bustle of the pre-Christmas period. All the more reason to give them a platform and let your community know that you're thinking of them.

To give you a better overview, we've set out to search and present you ours today:

Top 4 events that your target group could celebrate in December that aren't Christmas


The 8-day Jewish festival starts this year on December 7. It is intended to commemorate the miracle of the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem following the Maccabean Revolt. Although there was only enough oil to keep the menorah candles burning for a single day, the flames continued to burn for eight nights. The daily lighting of a menorah candle is still the focus of the festival today.


The festival of African-American culture is celebrated annually from December 26 to January 1. The focus is on values such as unity and culture. On each of the seven nights, one of the candles on the Kinara is lit, which stands for one of the seven principles, i.e. values of African culture. On the sixth night, the African festival Karamu traditionally takes place.

St Luciafest/Santa Lucia

The Feast of St. Lucia on the Remembrance Day of Saint Lucia and the associated customs are intended to bring joy and brightness to the dark days of the end of the year. Because before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, the night of December 13 was considered the longest of the year. Today is the winter solstice in Sweden on the night of December 21 or 22, but the traditions of the long Lucia night live on, with the most important elements being wearing white robes and candles, eating traditional saffron pastries and choosing a local Lucia.

New Years Eve

All over the world, New Year Day is eagerly awaited and celebrated. What is exciting about this festival is that there are different traditions for this day in different countries around the world, although the ultimate motif always seems to be a new beginning. In Spain, for example, 12 grapes are eaten at midnight, in Denmark old plates are smashed, in Greece an onion is hung outside the front door and in Brazil it goes to the beach.

Your Christmas campaign on Kitchen Stories

All marketers have one thing in common: They have to get into the Christmas spirit as early as spring and summer in order to deliver the perfect Christmas campaign at the perfect time. That's why (almost) everything in August and September revolves around the best time of the year. We at Kitchen Stories are already deep into Christmas thoughts and processes, and are already planning Christmas content for our community as well as for various brands. You can take a look at a few examples from recent years here:

Siemens — Potato dumplings that are safe for every occasion

Ramazzotti — Celebrate Christmas (a bit more) in Italian this year!

Miree — recipes and tricks for stress-free eating in December

Günthart — The only thing that can help against the dreary winter is sprinkles!

As every year, we'll find the perfect Christmas campaign for your brand, with which you can reach our target group of millions right in their homes. Be it through digital brand campaigns, content sponsorship, product placement or as an exclusive partner for specific categories.

Got hungry? We are pleased to be able to provide you with free advice on your Christmas campaign in a non-binding meeting: Make an appointment.

Lara Kipper

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